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Sherry C 07-31-2011 09:57 PM

Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Friends,

We have another in our series of Notation Software Tutorial Video Series ready for you!

Getting a Great Performance 01
(Notation Composer)
This video covers many performance aspects, some that are tied to the notation itself, including:
  • Ornaments (eg. trills, turns, mordents, tremelos, grace notes, and arpeggios)
  • Piano roll - fine-tuning note durations and timing placements
  • Note Velocity - using note velocity differences to add dynamics
  • Sound changes - give more realistic representations of pizzicato and arco sounds while you're composing, or to change instruments for multi-instrumentalists working from a single staff.
This video is about 25 minutes long, so please be patient as it loads for viewing. If you'd rather download the video and watch it at your leisure, you can use this download link.

(Please note that the Graph Over Notes feature will be treated in a separate video.)

As always if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them. If you have additional tips and tricks, please post those as well. I'm not claiming to have covered everything, just trying to help folks get a good grasp of the basics and get going quicker.


rrayner 08-09-2011 04:25 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Sherry,

I've tried both the direct link and the download link, and in neither case can I get sufficient volume to hear the dialog. Quicktime is being used to play the download and its looks both Firefox and Internet Explorer use the same (or at least similar in appearance) under-the-covers software to try to play it.

Interestingly, in all three cases, I hear very clearly the click-click (hi-lo) that seems to correspond to your mouse clicks.

If I play a CD or a wav file, it comes through loud and clear, so it doesn't appear to have anything to do with my speakers.


Sherry C 08-09-2011 11:48 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Ralph,

I didn't test QuickTime (I don't particularly care for its behavior, and therefore don't use it). Please try using Windows Media Player for the one you downloaded and see if that helps. If it doesn't, do let me know. I tested it on my setup here before posting it, and it was fine (those first one or two mouse-clicks are extra loud, and would probably come through on nearly anything :) ).


rrayner 08-10-2011 12:11 AM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Sherry,

I'm still on XP and have Windows Media Player 11, which says, "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.".

As I mentioned, unfortunately, neither Firefox (my preference) or IE plays it within a listenable range. If I immediately follows this test with a wav file test, the speakers are blasting.


Sherry C 08-10-2011 12:21 AM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Ralph,

Before I make any changes to this one, have you been able to hear the other videos in the Tutorial series ok? If you haven't tried them, please do give at least one other one a try so that I can rule out certain options here, and more quickly figure out the problem.


rrayner 08-10-2011 12:19 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Sherry,

I just tested with the previous three tutorials, and they come through loud and clear in volume level. Just in case something was wrong yesterday, I retried this one from the direct link, and I can barely hear your voice, even with the speaker turned up full. This morning's testing was all in Firefox.

To be more thorough, I again tried the downloaded mp4 file, both in Quicktime (7.6.9 under XP), and Firefox, which invokes Quicktime. The volume level is much diminished, compared to the other tutorials.


Sherry C 08-10-2011 01:19 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Ralph,

Thanks for running those checks on your system for me. I've re-rendered the video with the volume level "up" (except those initial clicks - I had the recording session set to "enhance" mouse clicks, which was not my best move ever ;) )

It'll take the upload a few minutes, so you might want to go have a cup of coffee/tea/whatever and then give it another try.

Thanks again for letting me know, and for checking it out :)


rrayner 08-10-2011 03:16 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
That did the trick, Sherry. Thanks for making the change. I won't get a chance to go through the whole tutorial today -- gotta travel, but I'll get to it this week. Thanks, again. Ralph

Sherry C 08-10-2011 06:02 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Ralph,

Glad that did the trick. And thanks again for letting me know!


rrayner 08-27-2011 10:56 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Sherry,

I finally had the time to check out this video (Hurricane Irene is keeping me indoors), and I think you've done a wonderful job. There are a number of things that I had already dug into, but it was very nice to get a proper explanation of what they do. Thankfully, there were some new nuggets for me. I tend to ignore the crawl stage with new applications, and go straight to running full speed. Once I've found a way to do something, I rarely dig into it farther.

The section on shortening the duration of notes, while leaving them notated, was one that I was doing the hard way, so this will save me a lot of time. Kudos!

Many thanks!


Maximilian75 03-25-2018 11:35 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Sherry,

I'm a newbie of Composer and I appreciate very much your tutorials. I've watched all the videos except for "Getting a Great Performance 01", which always stops at 1:19 for some reason. Even the downloadable mp4 version gives a decoding error after 1:19.

Does it happen to me only?


Sherry C 03-26-2018 06:05 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Hi Max,

I'm glad you've found the tutorials to be helpful.
Re. the video stopping at 1:19 I'm not sure (they seemed to be working fine from here) so I uploaded a "fresh" copy of the video just in case. Please give it a try now and let me know how it goes.


Maximilian75 03-26-2018 11:49 PM

Re: Getting a Great Performance - 01 (Notation Composer)
Fine, it works now :)

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