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01-21-2008 09:22 PM

Hi there, I am currently tr
Hi there,

I am currently trying to have my sequences from Logic Studio exported as midi files and again imported as midi files in Finale 07 or 08.
In both versions I have the same problem: It ignors all the full bar rests in the piece. So if a track starts in bar 10 for real, Finale will show it already in bar 1, creating a complete disaster. Even rougher when the rests are in the middle of the piece. I basically have to control every single note, since there are so many mistakes. And it's a real drag to copy that stuff backwards.

Anyway, I m having trouble with the mass mover tool. I used to be able to copy a full section of bars by just clicking on the first measure I wanted to move it to. Now, it only inserts one measure there, the rest get's lost. What's up. Have been away from Finale for a while. So they must have changed a few things. How can I copy let's say 30 bars without having to first choose 30 empty bars to paste the section to?

I m greatful for any help.
Thanks from Switzerland

Mark Walsen (markwa) 01-22-2008 04:42 AM

Hello Silea, Your question
Hello Silea,

Your question appears to be about how to use Finale, which is a software product by another company. Sorry we cannot answer that Finale question for you.

-- Mark

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