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John Smith (johnsmi) 09-05-2007 11:22 PM

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
toccata.not (341.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<center><table border=1><tr><td> (11.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>

.studio included for gpo users

Sherry Crann (sherry) 09-06-2007 11:23 AM

Howdy John, Wow [img]http:/
Howdy John,


Thanks for including the .studio - I really really enjoyed that!

I've been to some organ festivals b.c. (before children), and this took me right back to such performances. I've always been in awe of folks who could play organ well, but watching the notes highlighting as your piece was playing really made it sink in just how talented a good organist must be, reading and playing across three staves, with all the timing of different bodily appendages that is involved. I play bass, and have been working on improving my sight reading (a never-ending task, as I'm largely self-taught), so I have an even greater appreciation than previously for the talent involved in playing organ.

Maybe you could tell us a little more about the piece and how it came to be

I will confess that I was enjoying it so much, I wasn't particularly listening "critically" as might befit those who know more than I. Your composition here was a treat to listen to - I've saved it in your own special folder on my hard drive, as I hope to hear more


Djim Tio (djimtio) 09-06-2007 12:16 PM

Hello John I envy those lucky
Hello John
I envy those lucky people having GPO,but using my default soundfont I couldnīt stop listening ( volume almost to 10, the plaster almost coming down the walls )to a impressing piece of organ music.
Like Sherry,I love organ music ,organs also being one of the Kings of the Low regions.That is why bass players are always in awe watching and listening to good organists,I gues.
Keep them coming those organ concertoīs please.

John Smith (johnsmi) 09-06-2007 11:26 PM

Thank you both for your kind r
Thank you both for your kind remarks.

Yes Organ playing is a real challenge isn't it. A wonderful invention too of course and I have always loved that sound. There is an excellent instrument that has recently been restored here in Nottingham (UK). Info at:-

I hope you find it an interesting read.
I was so impressed by it's sound when I went to a concert last June, I just had to write something for it - the toccata being the result. Although having said that the work hasn't been performed on the instrument - maybe one day :-)

I have put a gpo version you can listen to at:-
To keep size down to a min. it's a lo-fi mono, so I hope that's "listenable" to. Hope also your walls are coping with the pounding.

Thank you again.

Sherry Crann (sherry) 09-07-2007 12:08 PM

Howdy John, Thanks for the
Howdy John,

Thanks for the link - what a fascinating read!

Being something of a very minor woodworker, the cabinetry of the Binns is absolutely gorgeous, and a masterwork in itself. But the mechanism!!! I can't begin to imagine the skill that it takes to engineer such as that.

What a versatile instrument, and I'd never heard a "carillion" on an organ before. It's no wonder at all that such a magnificent instrument would inspire you to write a piece such as you have. Isn't it amazing how fine instruments can do that? It's one reason that I tell the parents of my students that if the kid is honestly interested in learning to play, that they should buy the absolute best instrument they can afford, because it will inspire the musician to play better.

I'm certainly glad that this fantastic instrument inspired your excellent composition! I'd love to hear more


Djim Tio (djimtio) 09-07-2007 12:40 PM

Hi Sherry and John I also vis
Hi Sherry and John
I also visited the Albert Hall,but didnīt meet you there
How about trying the Miditzer 260 SP (Wurlitzer Virtual Organ)for a while instead of your fiver ?
BTW, John , did you use a virtual organ when composing the Toccata ?
Thanks for the link to the GPO version and thanks to being a mono-file
only one wall is now completely deplastered.

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