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Jeffrey610 05-02-2022 05:16 AM

Another Heartache
2 Attachment(s)
Well, this is gonna get weird. . .I just wanted to try something I tried before, to see if I have improved my Scoring skills ( kinda like I said in my before post). That started the weirdness! I dropped my Laptop and cracked the display hinge. I still worked, but the display was like off color, you know, pixelated in basic colors. Well, anyway, I ordered a new Laptop. When I got it, I changed the Hard Drive and found out that I couldn't transfer Notation Composer onto the new Laptop. No worries, But I also saw that there was a NEW Version of Composer available too. So, I paid for the Version 4. The weird part is. . .I couldn't load Composer Version 3 onto the Laptop. I got this message 'It is your decision if you further want to use version 3, but as mentioned we now ask for a service fee for a transfer of the license to a new PC.'

I desperately needed to finish my new score, but couldn't be sure how it would sound on a new version 4 Notation. . .and had no way to compare. So I started over on Version 4.

If i haven't lost you, and your still reading this. . .then let me tell you about my Heartache. I LOVE NOTATION COMPOSER VERSION 4. I didn't expect the results I got and cannot express how satisfied I am with the score. I insist you buy, listen and comment on the Notation Composer Version 4 and tell me exactly what you think of the tonal quality, playback continuity and definition of notes.

But, if you do not have Version 4, I have included 'Just Another Heartache' for version 2 and 3 so you can compare yourself. If you don't get NC Version 4 right away, you'll never know what your missing. So, here is my version of Another Heartache. Sing along. . .You know the words!

dj 05-02-2022 02:19 PM

Re: Another Heartache
Hi, Jeffrey:

So, you got over your heartache, after all.

A lot of detail in that arrangement. I like the left/right panning of the drum and guitar tracks to fill out the stereo, something I use quite a bit.

Is that a transcription of the original arrangement, because that's a lot of work!

Your heartache with broken equipment reminded me that it's just about two years ago that my cell phone fell out of my pocket just as I pulled the lawnmower backward over the place it fell. Amazingly, I recovered both the SIM card and the memory card. The plastic bag full of chopped cell phone salad was somehow not repairable.

Nice way to start the day.


Sherry C 05-02-2022 03:27 PM

Re: Another Heartache
Hi Jeffrey,

Glad you're enjoying Composer 4, and thanks for the excellent plug :)

Just out of curiosity, are you dropping in all these notes with a mouse, or playing them in, or....? That's a lot of work, and a great song file!

Just to note that you don't have to save different files for different versions of the software - the current v4 files are backward compatible to v2 (we try hard to make things as easy for users as possible).

I've always wished I could see the Eagles in concert - at least now I can play along ;)

Keep rocking, and glad Composer didn't give you any heartache ;)


Jeffrey610 05-03-2022 05:29 AM

Re: Another Heartache
Thank you both, Sherry and dj, for your comments and your patience with my rambling mind-quavers.

Yes, there was a lot of work that went into the score and No, that was not a transcription from the Eagles Sheet Music (although, I did have a little help from their You Tube video. Also, I found the lyrics outlined in notes with the guitar chords noted in fret board finger positions. The rest is my interpretation) There is no copying Joe Walsh's Slide guitar, so I faked it with horns and my riffs, as heard from the aforementioned Video. The real kick was the quarter notes in 3/4 time. Once I figured that out. . .BA-MM. . . the tune just fell into place.
Yes, I put each and every note in the score, one at a time. The RH Piano is different every time, with only a few repeats in some parts. The Sax Solo Version was all my idea.

You see, I tried to do a Transcribe of the Beatles song a few years back, and it stank. This is my attempt at vindication (and growth). I really think I have this Brain-Bloat thing under control. My Ramblings now have structure.

Praise the Lord!
:cool: Jeffrey610

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