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Yenney 03-07-2010 09:44 PM

New, first submission
1 Attachment(s)
This transcription is from a song titled 'Wizards Lament' that I have up on youtube. I really struggle with doing these, so feel free to point out any errors, you will not hurt my feelings.

Sherry C 03-08-2010 02:10 PM

Re: New, first submission
Hi Yenney,

That is a gorgeous piece - thanks for sharing it with us!

The only thing I noticed that might be helpful in tweaking the notation is that it looked like some notes were entered as upper or lower voice. Since you already have the two hands on different staves, it might help keep the score a little cleaner (by eliminating extra rests) to have each staff as a single voice. Or is it standard in harp music to have more than a single voice per hand? If it's standard, then I've learned something new :) If it's not, but you want to have all the stems pointing in the same direction (and are using upper voice to do that), then you can still hide the rests by (1) selecting them and (2) clicking the "Hide rests" button in the detail palette.

If you want to put each staff in single voice, just (1) use Region/Select Region to select the entire song. Then (2) use Region/Convert region to selection of notes. You should see all the notes turn blue, and the Notes palette (if not already "on") should then show up. Now (3) just click the "Single voice" button over on the right (the button with two notes on it). That will then put all the notes in single voice for their respective staves, and gives a little "tighter" and cleaner look to the notation, without changing anything about the performance, which is beautiful (I used GPO chromatic harp 1 to play this, but have also watched and listened to your YouTube video).

You can also embed your YouTube video right in your post if you want. Just use the little "projector" button in the Message Editing Box when you create your post, and put the number/letter combination that comes after the "v=" in the link you get from YouTube. For your video, it would be gHlw7n727EE

I'm curious as to your method for entering the notes - the performance of the file is really convincing!


dj 03-09-2010 11:38 AM

Re: New, first submission
Hello, Yenney:

Thanks for this. A very evocative piece -- reminds me a little of the traditional Scottish piece, Carolan's Farewell.

Are you a harper, by any chance?

I don't know what synth/sound card you have, but many people still use the built-in Microsoft Wave Table thing, which is pretty limited. Here's a little midi trick that can give help some "presence" to a piece played on a synth/sound card that doesn't have effects:

Clone each of the staves (under the Staff menu), then go to the Note Velocity view and set the velocity of all the cloned notes to about 1/3 of the original. Then go to the Piano Roll view, select all the notes of the two clones, and slide the performance attack and release about 4 clicks to the right.

Instant slap-back echo! Play with the velocity until you feel the "echo" is right. Note that it should be done with the velocity settings, rather than the volume settings, as note velocity also affects the timbre of the sound, giving the "echo" a more muted sound.

Use the pan setting for each track to fill the stereo-scape. (Making sure each track has a different midi channel.)

This works especially well for percussive sounds like harp.

You can then hide the clones tracks in your view and have only the principal ones seen.

Welcome to the forum!


dj 03-09-2010 11:40 AM

Re: New, first submission
And, watching your video tells me that you are, indeed, a harper!



Yenney 03-09-2010 12:55 PM

Re: New, first submission
For entry we have been experimenting with midi, and just entering notes and then playing back until it sounds right. This first piece we had some help with, but then had to make multiple passes until we got it to sound right. We did not intend to use two voices but when we split the staves that is what it did. (but we were not aware, and this is probably why we had some strange rests that we were unable to remove). Thanks for all the useful comments & help on this. We still have alot to learn. The next one that we will be putting up will have been only from entering notes on Notation.
-best regards

Yenney 03-09-2010 01:02 PM

Re: New, first submission
Dave, thanks for the input on this. To reveal some ignorance, is this to make the playback from the Notation file sound better, or is a way to adjust a midi to sound more like a harp?
Thanks again

dj 03-10-2010 11:36 AM

Re: New, first submission
Hi, Yenney:

It's a generic midi thing. Notation software doesn't actually make any sound itself; its sound depends on whatever synth/sound card it is sending its information to.

What I suggested is a trick I use a lot to fill out the sound when the file is going out to the general world and I don't know what it will be played on. A little slap-back goes a long way toward placing the sound in the "real" world and making it convincing.


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