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Eamonn O'Hogain (eamonx1) 11-25-2008 04:39 PM

Am Stuck A stuck composer
Have just bought Notation Composer and am trying to use it. Just cannot seem to be able to get beyond the following problem.

I wish to write down a bar (measure) of music. 4/4 time signature in the key of G. Minor. The problem is with the Treble Clef line.
The bar consists of a chord consisting of two whole notes, A and middle C. Played with this chord is a dotted quaver, E-natural (above middle C). A and C are held throughout the measure. E-natural however moves on to a semi quaver (a 16th note) D (a tone below E-natural), then moves on to a crotchet (quarter note) on E-natural, next a quaver (8th note) on E-natural and finally a dotted crotchet on D (down a tone)

When I try to write this I have no trouble in putting in the two whole notes, A. and C. But when I next try to add the dotted quaver, E-natural (to be played with the A and C.) chaos results.

You will see the problem demonstrated in the File Attachment. The first measure shows the two whole notes, A and Middle C. The next measure shows what happens when I try to add the dotted quaver E-natural. The third measure shows the five notes which the first measure should include.<center><table border=1><tr><td> Problem in Three Measures
Example.not (7.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 11-25-2008 05:12 PM

Hi Eamonn, Try your A and C
Hi Eamonn,

Try your A and C in lower voice (lv), and the Es and Ds above in upper voice (uv). Be sure to have no notes selected when you want to change back to single voice (sv). There are also buttons on the Notes toolbar to handle the voice changes.

all best,

Eamonn O'Hogain (eamonx1) 11-26-2008 06:59 PM

Thank you for the information.
Thank you for the information. It did the trick. However I have another problem. When I try to print out the music it does not appear as on the screen. I get no music notation, only a lot of letters, like O4, O4, EEE, GGG, OOO.

Mark Walsen (markwa) 11-26-2008 07:45 PM

Hello Eamonn, The problem y
Hello Eamonn,

The problem you describe indicates that Notation Composer is not finding its music notation font, named "Harmony".

Is this a new problem? If so, perhaps it happened after you installed some other software that added more fonts to you Windows system. Versions of Windows up to, and including Windows XP, if I remember correctly, have a problem when there are more than about 300 fonts in your Windows/Fonts directory.

The work-around for that is to move fonts you don't need from the Windows/Fonts directory to some "Rarely Used Fonts" directory that you can create for this purpose. This used to be a more common problem several years ago, so it's a little surprising it is happening to you, unless you're using Windows 98.

And, there's always this: "If all else fails, restart Windows."

-- Mark

Eamonn O'Hogain (eamonx1) 11-26-2008 08:03 PM

Yes, that was the answer. I re
Yes, that was the answer. I removed a number of the fonts into a newly created folder (Fonts, rarely Used) and lo and behold I was then able to print the score.
Thanks again.

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