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mswlogo 12-14-2015 04:17 AM

Problem with note length
1 Attachment(s)
In the last measure both Part 1 and Part 2 the 2nd eighth note plays too fast at 100%.

I have two versions (staffs) of the tune if you delete either version it be OK.

I had like 8 versions and it was messed up at around 50%

As I deleted each version (staff) it raised the speed that it would mess up at.

I labeled the note with text that plays too fast.

If you delete either Bob Staff or Brian Staff the other staff (on that note) it will play at the correct speed. Also the 2nd to last measure messes up too.

I've attached it. I included the original version with many versions (staffs) that has the problem very bad and the newest version that is pruned down to two versions and works at 90% but not 100%.
The old original version does not have the note labeled and plays that note too fast at 55% (on the i7 computer see note below).

I've reset tempo on everything. I've reset all notes to play as noted (which usually fixes issues like this).

Note also that the other staffs that causes issues are Muted and not Displayed. But if you delete them, it gradually improves as you delete each hidden and muted staff. I also tried move staff on to different MIDI channels and that makes no difference.

EDIT: Just tried it on the original computer that I found it on. And the pruned version is ok on that computer.
Both are Windows 10, both fairly powerful. One is 4 Core Xeon Desktop the other a 2 core i7. Both with 8Gb 64bit.
I play tunes like this all the time on both computers. Something is messed up with this tune/file.
I suspect if I built a new one from scratch it would be ok. Something historical is messed up inside the file.
Something that perhaps uses excessive CPU for a moment and it falls behind and then tries to catch back up to get back on "the beat" :).

P.S. IE11 (under Windows 10) does NOT like your Manage Attachments at all. It crashed or hung IE11 a whole bunch of times. I had to use FireFox.

dj 12-14-2015 12:44 PM

Re: Problem with note length

Your description makes me think that this is related to a problem that I've only seen when playing back through an external midi port. Are you using an external port?

Repeat endings seem to confuse Composer when an external port is used, causing some notes in the 1st ending bar to hang and then the whole piece to "catch up" in a rush -- sometimes! But not every time.

That's the best kind of bug -- one you can't reproduce at will.

When I play your St. Anne's Reel (by the way, I used it in a show a couple of years back) through an external port, I'm getting a lot of hangs and tempo glitches. However, when I playback through Composer 3's Notation Software Synth or through the Coolsoft Virtual synth is don't hear any glitching -- notably not where you highlighted it.

Perhaps Sherry can give you a more informed opinion.


Sherry C 12-14-2015 02:25 PM

Re: Problem with note length
Hi guys,

I, too, would be interested to know what device you're using for playback.

The problem that David alludes to re repeats is apparently a processor speed issue not for the computer but for the playback device as we've seen this issue only in older devices (I now have a legacy Korg M1 for reproducing such problems).

While there may indeed be a hereditary problem with the file itself, it may also be the device, or even a combination (those are the most fun to diagnose ;) ). Reinhold has indeed made some improvements in Notation software products to try to be kinder and gentler to older devices, but there may be some issue that was inherited down the file history line.

So what device are you using, and do you hear the problem on all your playback devices (eg. different playback devices on the same machine)?


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