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Ricebug 12-30-2021 10:25 PM

Step Recording Issue
I'm slogging through the tute on how to step record and have an issue that's causing me to double up on my anxiety meds. :p

FYI, note entry is being done on a Roland A-49 MIDI controller. I select 8th note entry and slowly start plunking them down. The problem is, NC wants to arbitrarily add 8th note rests into the mix. What do I need to do?

(I'm using Composer 3.)

dj 12-31-2021 03:29 PM

Re: Step Recording Issue
Hi, HB (don't want to call you HalfBaked, that would be rude :D):

Unfortunately, this is a long-standing issue that I thought had been pretty well cured in latter releases.

It is, in fact, much better than in earlier releases.

The best way to minimize the issue is to be very careful with your note entry, meaning be sure you separate each note when 'playing' them. Don't try to do step-time entry at a real-time tempo; you'll get spurious rests.

If you are slow and careful, I think you'll still have a few corrections to make every few bars, but not enough to drive you to drugs.

Hope that helps.


Ricebug 12-31-2021 03:49 PM

Re: Step Recording Issue
Yeah, I'm not too happy with 'Half-Baked'; it was given to me when my preferred name was taken.

Anyway... my age and arthritis sorta force me to go slow, so the speed is not the issue. I have an old Amiga MIDI program (Bars&PipesPro) that works flawlessly in step-record mode. Unfortunately, it won't recognize USB keyboards, so I'm being forced out of the hobby.

I really don't want to spend $80 upgrading to the newer version of NC, just to find out the same problem still exists.

Guess I'll go to eBay and look for an old-school MIDI-only keyboard.

Thanks for the help, at any rate.

Reinhold H. 01-08-2022 03:08 PM

Re: Step Recording Issue
We have been doing a review of step-time-recording and I believe that we found the issue finally. It will come with the next update of Composer 4.


dj 01-09-2022 01:42 PM

Re: Step Recording Issue
Hi, Reinhold:

Happy New Year.

Good to hear that things are progressing on Composer in this upside down world.

All the best.


Reinhold H. 01-10-2022 08:50 AM

Re: Step Recording Issue

Thanks, same new years greetings. Yes, I agree the world right now is kind of upside down.

Regarding the step-time-recording there have been a few issues which even have interfered:
  • step-time-recording is only possible when the sound system is up and the external midi input is possible. But there was no clear indication to the user. So, in case the sound system is not up after startup simply no note entry is possible. This is very confusing.
  • an issue in the correct note cursor location in the score causes a dependancy on the zooming and eventually added a little rest. This has a dramatic consequence because note entry needs to start all over again
  • and finally, we added the requirement that a new empty measure gets added when the last measure is reached :)
We have the update 4.0.3 almost ready but waiting for the final Wine-7.0 release which is required for macOS PCs with Apple M1 processor (new :)) and Chromebooks (new :)). Hopefully we can get 4.0.3 out in the next weeks.


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