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OrganGeek 01-15-2014 07:54 PM

"international character" not sticking
Notation Composer: For an organ score, I am attempting to add an upside-down U to indicate left heel. This symbol is included in many font sets as numeric code U+2229. Following the User Guide instructions for International Characters, I can successfully paste the symbol into a free text area. However, once I leave Add Mode my symbol is converted to a lower-case n. This is true whether I use Times New Roman or any other font. Similar symbols may or may not morph from their as-shown version, it seems to depend entirely upon the symbol not the font set that includes it.

dj 01-16-2014 02:47 PM

Re: "international character" not sticking
Hi, Organgeek:

This is a new challenge for me. I've not attempted to use international symbols before.

I agree with you that there is a problem of some kind. For me, any international symbols simply disappear as soon as I enter them.

I'll play around a little more and see if I can figure something out.

It should work!


EDIT: Okay, I found your upside U ( here it is: "∩", the mathematical symbol for intersection), but it does indeed change to an "n" when pasted into free text, lyric or page text. Even though the font is Times New Roman in all cases.


I would use the King of Siam's line ("Is a puzzlement.") but that would need international symbols. :)

Will keep thinking on this.


Sherry C 01-16-2014 04:14 PM

Re: "international character" not sticking
Hi guys,

There is an issue with some of the "extended" characters not being supported currently, and I think that is what is happening here. We do have it on the "to do" list for fixing.

We also have a specific task for including organ heel/toe symbols (as well as some other musical symbols) in the "Special symbols" grid for easy access, but that is also on the "to do" list for a future release.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and I unfortunately don't have a good workaround at my fingertips at the moment. If anyone knows one, please post :)


OrganGeek 02-20-2014 07:09 PM

Re: "international character" not sticking
Same problem for left toe (upside-down V) as for left heel (upside-down U). None of the toe look-alikes (delta, lamba) will "stick", and caret is too small to be read (and I can't figure out how to enlarge it). FYI, the traditional workaround for heel is O, but if anyone has a reasonable workaround for toe I'm all ears (just no toes...)

dj 02-21-2014 12:24 PM

Re: "international character" not sticking
Hi, OrganGeek:

You should be able to enlarge any kind of text simply by clicking on the larger "A" icon in the text tool bar (or type Ctrl+NumberPad"+").

Good luck.


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