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john s. smith (jss) 03-22-2009 04:22 PM

Shifting notes do all associated events move with them
If I shift several measures leftwards in a piece (into empty measures space there ready for the notes), do all the events associated with those moved notes move with them?

I'm doing this on a piece just now, but when in the new position they seems to sound differnt (quieter for one thing). Also the sustain pedal (input in real time from keyboard) does not seem "aligned" to the sound they had before the move.

btw I had previously made space for these measure by deleting the contents that were there. Does the very first bar in a piece perhaps contain some special composition-wide data that's been lost?


Sherry Crann (sherry) 03-25-2009 04:56 PM

Howdy John, The short answe
Howdy John,

The short answer is "no"

The explanatory answer is as follows.

Composer holds a lot of information about the score, not just the "notes" notation (as you know). Things can get complicated quite quickly as to whether the user wants to move just notes, or MIDI controller (cc) events (eg. volume changes, Pan, etc.) or both. Therefore, there are different ways of doing the different manipulations.

If you select a group of notes and shift them, the notes do indeed move, and their associated note velocities. But the volume graph, pan graph, or any other controller data do not get shifted - they remain associated with their particular measure/tick location in the score.

If you want to copy over an entire bit of your work - all the notes, velocities, volume graph, pan graph, etc. - then you need to

(1) Make sure you're in the Notes tab (ie, the Graph is OFF, even just "Show Graph") and select the Region
(2) copy it (Ctrl + C)
(3) select the region where you want to put all that information
(4) Paste it (Ctrl + V is convenient).

If you select a bunch of notes, or a region and just hit "Delete", only the notes get deleted - the MIDI controller data (eg. volume, pan, etc.) remains. To remove all the data - notes, cc events, etc. - you'll need to
(1) Select the region
(2) Edit -> Clear (or use Ctrl + D) to totally clean out everything.

I hope the above helps make the differences in operations a little clearer.


john s. smith (jss) 03-26-2009 02:21 PM

Hi Sherry, As usual, excellen
Hi Sherry,
As usual, excellent support. I appreciated it.
Your answer explains exactly the effects I was getting and I now can see to do what I want with this aspect on NC.

In fact I see we can have the best of both worlds in this regard as we can just copy the notes+velocities or both notes and all related events with them.

I wonder if there is a case for treating the sustain pedal as we would a note velocity? Simply becuase any note that replaces it is unlikely to require the same sustain... mmm having said that I'm not sure :-) This is kind of leading to an intelli-copying dialog feature (tick which events to copy?).

Anyway, your reply has allowed me to plough on with my composition. Thanks again

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