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Mark Walsen (markwa) 10-07-2005 03:28 PM

I noticed today that SynthFont
I noticed today that SynthFont version 1.0 has been released. Has anyone tried it? Please give us your report.

-- Mark

Sherry Crann (sherry) 10-21-2005 06:43 PM

Howdy, I briefly gave the 1

I briefly gave the 1.00 version a spin last night. It had a few bugs in it (some volume control glitches, among a couple others), but I just today went back to the website ( and see that he has already released an update patch for the bugs, as well as a couple of new features. It's version 1.010, and is available from the link on his download page.

I did do a few things with it that are quite nice. I was setting up some backing tracks for a friend of mine, and he wants to use them in his audio recorder and mix in some "live" recording. SynthFont allows you to split each instrument out into it's own WAV file for importing to a recorder for just such a purpose. This feature worked nicely.

I'll give further reports on the latest version, as I'm going to have need to set up some other backing tracks for folks at church for using for music in the upcoming days.


Bryan Searle 05-26-2006 04:19 PM

Hi Just trying 1.040 and I ca
Just trying 1.040 and I can't get it to appear as a device so it uses the output from MidiNotate. What am I doing wrong?

Sherry Crann (sherry) 05-27-2006 01:34 AM

Howdy Bryan, SynthFont won&
Howdy Bryan,

SynthFont won't show up as a device in MidiNotate. What you can do is to use MidiNotate to work up your music tracks, and then save them as a MIDI file. Then you can use SynthFont to make use of soundfonts for listening to your work and saving it as an audio file if you wish.


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