View Full Version : To avoid "jumpy" score when entering notes in Composer....

Sherry C
02-04-2012, 11:32 AM
Hi friends,

Sometimes folks ask about the "jumpiness" of the score when entering notes via mouse/qwerty keykboard into Composer. The "jumping" that you sometimes see is due to Composer's readjusting the score to allow for the newly entered notation.

You can minimize it somewhat in Page View by using Layout/Page Layout/Specify number of bars per line, and entering something like 2, which gives you only two measures per system (line) of the score.


After you've entered the notes, you can then either use the "Def" button ("default", seen above in the Page Layout palette toolbar) to let Composer readjust the score for "comfortable" spacing of the final score, or make any formatting changes that you want to have the spacing you specifically want for the final score.
