View Full Version : Placing a Fermata on a Rest

04-10-2011, 06:07 PM
I can't find out how to place a fermata on a rest (full measure rest). It needs to be there, or it won't show on individual parts (I assume). Honestly, I don't ever plan on printing parts for this current score, but eventually, I will hit the situation again, where it will be needed.


Sherry C
04-11-2011, 01:58 AM
Hi Ralph,

Fermatas are in the Text/Symbols palette. Click in the score where you want to add the symbol, and a grid will come up where you can select the symbol, then click "Ok" and the symbol will show up in the score. To adjust the placement if needed, click the symbol to select it, and "grab" it by click-dragging to place it precisely.


04-11-2011, 02:52 PM
Thanks, Sherry. I was trying to use the same method as I used for placing a fermata on a note, i.e., Notes and Rests > Add accents and articulations. As always, I appreciate your guidance.


Sherry C
04-12-2011, 01:24 AM
Hi Ralph,

I apologize for the inconvenience of the workaround that I posted - the way you were trying is supposed to be the way it works, but there is currently a bug for doing so with whole notes.


04-12-2011, 11:58 AM
No apologies necessary, Sherry. At least there is a way to do it. Thanks. RRR