View Full Version : dificulties to select brackets or braces

08-20-2010, 05:06 PM
Hello all,
My problem souldn't be serious for specialists but rather annoying for me.
I am a beginner with Notation Composer and I don't master the selection tool (big arrow).
When I want to delete braces or brackets I can't select them at once. (they should become blue). I have to try several times and 1 out of 20-30 trials it works but I don(t know why......
Surely there is simple way to do that.
Thank you for your advices.

Sherry C
08-20-2010, 05:55 PM

Sometimes if there are a lot of staves in view on the score, the brackets will be more difficult to select. You can try (1) Zooming in the score some (to make the brackets bigger) or (2) click-drag across the bracket, rather than trying to click directly on the bracket.

Hopefully this helps!

08-21-2010, 07:26 AM
Than you Sherry for your help.
click-drag across the bracket is the simplest way to select bracket or brace providing you go from left to right in order to avoid to touch any other object (staff, meter, key....)
it works 100%.
On the other hand trying to click directly on the bracket (even with a huge zooming) doesn't work at all for me

09-02-2010, 11:14 AM
Hi Sherry, just confirming this one. I can catch a bracket with left-to-right mouse but rarely by clicking on it, zoom or no zoom.