View Full Version : Couple Notes don't play second time through

09-04-2009, 02:56 AM
On the second pass the first note in measure 27 (Dotted Double Stop Half Note) is silent on Violin Staff and Then the same thing on Measure 35 (first time though).

There are repeat instructions set but I don't think that matters.

I have it showing and playing only the Violin at a very slow rate (30%).

File is attached.

Sherry C
09-04-2009, 12:42 PM

Thanks for including the file - that's very helpful!

On the second pass the first note in measure 27 (Dotted Double Stop Half Note) is silent on Violin Staff and Then the same thing on Measure 35 (first time though).

There are repeat instructions set but I don't think that matters.

Actually it is because it's a repeat that the particular note isn't playing. The note actually starts a tad before the barline - if you use Composer's piano roll feature, and hover your mouse over the note, you'll see that it begins at "-8", which means it begins 8 ticks before the measure actually starts. When the repeat gets played, the instructions go back to the barline, and since the note starts before the barline, it doesn't get played. We do have an "enhancement" planned that would account for such notes, which are notated in a measure but actually begin just prior to the "real" beginning of the measure.

In Composer you can fix this by doing the following:1. Click the Piano Roll tab
2. Select the "Edit as performed" button (third button, second level)
3. Select the note(s) you need to edit
4. Click the "snap performance to as-notated" button (7th tool bar button, or use the shortcut "a + down arrow key")
That should do it. After that, the notes will sound on the repeats as well.


09-06-2009, 04:19 AM
Thanks, I think I had fixed one before I while back like that and completely forgot.

Fix worked fine.