View Full Version : Cool site on music acoustics

Sherry C
10-19-2012, 01:32 PM
Hi folks,

This is for all my geeky music friends (which probably includes most of you reading this far ;) ). In perusing for some other information, I came across a really interesting website at the University of New South Wales on music acoustics.

Just for informational purposes, my background, B.C. (before children) was medical research, specifically biochemistry of the inner ear. During that time of life I also got to hear a lot of talks on acoustics, perception, and the like. I also dabble in making some musical instruments. The whole musical process, from generation of sound to perception processing in our brains, is simply fascinating to me.

Anyway, I found this website, which has a pretty broad range of information which is explained nicely and with some interactive activities so you can actually hear and see what is going on. I thought others might enjoy it as well :) You can find it at http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/basics.html
