Viewing and the Written-Out Performance of Ornaments

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You can view the written-out performance of ornaments at any time. You might want to do this in conjunction with viewing the Piano Roll Notation for the grace notes so that you can finely edit the performed timing of the notes.

prcarrow To view the written-out performance of an ornament:

1.Navigate to the Ornament Palette, as described in Adding Ornaments.

-- OR --

Type SHIFT+O. If Composer displays the Octave Palette, then type SHIFT+O a second time for the Ornament Palette.

2.Toggle off the Show Ornaments and Grace Notes viewing_and_editing_the_ button in the Ornament Palette.

-- OR --

Type "qsgo" to toggle off Show Ornaments.

Composer will show the ornaments written out, highlighted in the color purple so that you can easily identify them.



Once you have switched to viewing the written-out short notes, you can click the Piano Roll Notation viewing_and_editing_the_1 button in the main toolbar to view the piano roll rectangles for the timings of the ornament notes. Then you can edit the timings of the notes independently of the ornament symbol.


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