Transposing Notes

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Composer offers commands for two kinds of transpositions. It is important that you understand the difference between the two types of transposition so that you choose the correct command in Composer.

The first kind of transposition shifts the as-performed pitches of every instrument by some specified number of half-steps. This also shifts the as-displayed notes up or down in staves, and adjusts key signatures. The procedure for changing as-performed pitches in a song is described in Transposing Actual Pitches.

The second kind of transposition does not change the as-performed ("concert") pitches. Rather, it transposes the as-notated notes and key signatures of instrument parts according to the "natural pitch" of each instrument. For example, the "natural pitch" of an alto saxophone is Eb. When the saxophone player reads and plays a 'C' in the saxophone part, the actually heard note is the Eb below that 'C'. The procedure for this kind of transposition is described in Transposing to the Key of an Instrument.

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