Generic MIDI Controller Data

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There are a variety of ways that you can control the sound of a MIDI device other than the most common ways described in the previous topics: channel volume, pan, pitch bend, and sustain pedal.

The following example shows the modulation wheel applied to the second note. The modulation wheel typically produces a vibrato effect.


prcarrow To view and edit MIDI controller data:

1.With the mouse, navigate to the GraphOverNotestm Palette.

-- OR --



2.Click the MIDI Controller Data ControllerTypeButton button in the GraphOverNotestm Palette.

-- OR --

Type "c" for controller data.

Composer will display the following dialog box:


-- OR --

Click the Most Recently Selected Controller Type ControllerMostRecentTypeButton button.

-- OR --

Type "x" for the most recently selected controller type.

3.Select the type of MIDI controller data you wish to view and edit.
4.The procedures for most types of controller data are similar to those for editing pitch bend.

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