Advancing to the Next (or Previous) Lyric

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As you are adding or editing lyrics, you can advance to the next note or previous note or lyric in the following ways:

B8Type the Space or TAB key to advance to the next note or lyric, which ever comes first.
B8Type SHIFT+Tab to go back to the previous note or lyric, which ever comes first.
B8If you are adding lyrics and advance to a next or previous note that does not already have a lyric, then you can start typing in the new lyric at that note.
B8As you advance to the next or previous lyric, the text cursor will remain positioned in the current verse that you are editing.
B8If a note is tied from the previous note, then the cursor will skip over that tied note as you advance. However, if you want to add a lyric at a tied note, just click the mouse below that note.


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